So I’m posting these images up again I have a lot more , when I found out about this trafficking ring in Swansea my life spiralled out of control . The more I found out the more harassment I had from authorities and I was have these pictures sent to me from my ex partner who is caught up in it. I repeat these were sent to me along with all the other stuff that I’ve got , now if I was delusional and this was all fabricated in my mind how come I can see these and they were sent to me ! Think about it The more I looked into things the more trouble I had and the more pain I went through witnessing what was happening to my family . To silence me they kept locking me up in mental hospitals saying I was delusional but the police would take my property off me so when I got in the mental hospitals I couldn’t show them these images and the other stuff I’ve got although I pleaded with them that it was real , there’s many nurses up in the hospital that said I sounded convincing because everything’s still fresh from going back years in my mind . But I could not prove it because the authorities had my property. I have lots more emails audios videos and more pictures from victims . I know it sounds like ramblings of madman because authorities have made the narrative like that. But I promise you it’s broke my heart everyday and I’ve struggled for years with this in my mind. Every time I go near my ex or the children although nothing has ever been put in place over 4 years for me to keep away from them due to mental health issues by any authority. The sad state of things is that when my children come to spend time with me which was last 14 months ago they would always tell me things that they were upset about which I would raise and it broke my heart every time trying to clear it up have my children cry in front of me not wanting to go home and stay with me. As a father it’s heartbreaking I feel helpless I can’t protect them The only thing I could do is go to extreme of severe violence but I’ve been told by an inside source that if I do that I will only disrupt the operation of this gang for days ! And it will be back up and running and I will be spending the rest of my life in jail which will definitely not help my kids and victims. Just have a look with your eyes and you can see I’ve got lots more backed up everywhere . When I’ve tried to show the police images like this they just look away and just say we’re you for your welfare not anything else . !! It’s absolutely kills me I don’t know what to do !