As you can see within weeks of him buying the car, Southwest police took it off him and said it was used in illegal activity, he had just come back from a holiday after buying the car 3 weeks previously , they had the car for nearly 4 weeks but when he had it back he was adamant that this was not his car , he knew the feel of it was not his and the stickers that he put underneath the driver and passenger doors were not there, The steering wheel was not the same and the mileage was obviously not the same , This is the lengths that they go to! As You can see when he bought the vehicle it was 84,000 miles and then within 3 weeks it was 140,000 he only went to Manchester airport and back and the police confiscated it and then he found loads of listening devices in his vehicle and his vehicle was not his. We have seen proof of this !
The damage you can see is what happened when he had a call on his phone after receiving some info on the gang from an insider while he was supposed to be what he thought off grid in the Bristol area. The gang again threatened to kill him and he told them to fuck off , he left the accommodation that he was staying in all arranged by the guardians and he was rammed off the road by a black Audi up in Bristol.