The above pictures is what the author has to do to keep all the information safe , by having it in so many places that when he gets detained and the authorities always confiscate all his belongings, he has access to at least one of those emails wherever he ends up . He has in total 91 email accounts , 38 smart phones , 6 laptops, 2 tablets , numerous SD cards and flash drives not always in his property but scattered all over in numerous places like woodlands , industrial estates etc . He gets labelled as a paranoid person but in fact he changes that word to ” cautious person” out of all the alleged offences he has supposedly done over the years, these back ups of data prove his innocence. So is he paranoid or just switched on thinking about the future of harassment. We will be uploading his Arco police database file in the next few days so you can see what he has been up against.

So when the author came across this evil corruption cover up he was 40 years old had 3 businesses, several houses , plenty of assets and a home in Spain. He has had constant issues with pressure from every angle you could think of !

He was left penniless, he ended up homeless, all his belongings which was all stored away has disappeared, his vehicles were tracked and either smashed up and taken off him . He was kicked out of his high Street bank for fraud for raffling off a car to give all the money to the charity he was involved in helping the homeless, his driving licence was revoked illegal by the mental health services because he refused to acknowledge there version of events, he cannot get work in his skilled trade as a security engineer, he constantly gets cut off benefits for alleged activities off working for cash in hand. His reputation is completely shattered and has no structure or identity anymore. He doesn’t see his children due to access issues because his sons tell him what’s going on and beg to stay with him, to which he loses his temper screaming for answers !

What you have to realise is that when the author Craig looked into the welfare of his children he was retired at 40 years old. He was comfortable financially , he could have just walked away into his Spanish home and left it go . But as he has told us ” you can’t unsee what you’ve seen ” he couldn’t and still can’t get his head around the people that have been complicent in covering this up knowing full well that there are women and children getting seriously hurt and abused.

So with that In his head he couldn’t and will not stop until they are all safe. He has been locked up, pumped with so many damaging strong medication, dragged through investigation after investigation, the company that runs this evil sex trafficking ring have had proper rats to threaten to kill him , torture him , make him disappear and no one will care they state. The author has never once said that he was worried, he has come to the conclusion that he will welcome death, because he said that his life is worth this cause .

A moral code of right and wrong is the only thing he lives by !

Make no mistake he will never stop, that we know, he has no fear of them !

Another crazy thing is that the posts he puts up here are sort of a movie trailer, he doesn’t want to put the life changing evidence up yet as he’s still working out the logistics of who ,what , when he pushes buttons who is complicent. He is building a massive maze and knows where and who certain information stops ( gets shut down)

We have loads of his data and you wouldn’t believe what he’s got !

He has advised us that we have only the tip of the iceberg – he was watching them watch him , he has photos , videos and audios of ” clients ” handlers , police officers , charity bosses, even judges and many more In places that are evil.

We are posting on the site because the amount of power that is up against him and the resources are incredibly powerful and devious.

He is constantly on edge but he’s used to it.

As per a court order he is not allowed to post anything online so that’s why we are doing it for him

God bless you all
